SPAG's Solid Waste and Environment team's goal is to maintain a regional solid waste management program in conformance with state and regional solid waste management priorities.
The Closed Landfill Inventory is a resource for the SPAG Region which documents the location of closed landfill sites. Click on the link above to access this resource.
Grant Money
SPAG has grant money available each year for local municipal and county governments, special districts, and school districts for recycling and waste reduction projects. The grants are to be used to support projects designed to reduce the waste stream into local landfills and must provide for cooperation between public and private entities (wherever possible). Grant money may not be used to create a competitive advantage over private industry.
For general information on this and other Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) programs, contact the Regional Services Department or check the TCEQ web page at http://www.tceq.state.tx.us.
SPAG Resource Library
SPAG maintains a resource library containing materials related to solid waste disposal and recycling. The library contains educational materials for schools, brochures, videotapes, TCEQ regulations, and other solid waste items. The library is available for use from 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday.
Solid Waste Reduction/Recycling
Regional Services provides staff support to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC). The SWAC is involved in the Solid Waste Grants process and is composed of 18 members from throughout the region who represent a cross-section of interest in solid waste management issues. The Committee reviews and ranks the Solid Waste Grant Proposals within the region and makes funding recommendations to the SPAG Board of Directors for each funding year.