The Homeland Security/Domestic Preparedness Section was created in 2003 to assist local governments with preparedness issues. SPAG planners assist local governments to prepare and update their emergency operations plans, local ordinances, and orders that set the legal authority of the local governments. This section is instrumental in coordinating mutual aid agreements throughout the region and assists in preparing grant applications. Read below to learn more about their services.
Emergency Operations Planning
Technical support in the research and writing of plans for the local jurisdictions that encompasses all types of emergencies or disasters.
The Emergency Responders Advisory Committee
The Emergency Responders Advisory Committee was created to act as an advisor for the region in the arena of domestic preparedness. The Task Force is composed of 21 members from the emergency responder community, such as sheriffs, police and fire chiefs, local government officials, and technical experts from SPAG.
The Emergency Responders Advisory Committee is developing a long-range strategy for improving the response capabilities for the South Plains Region. This strategy includes the following components:
The procurement of equipment, based throughout the region, to improve response to major emergencies or disasters, through the use of federal and state grants; and
The creation of regional response teams and the support of existing teams
Interoperable communications capabilities