SPAG coordinates funding from the Criminal Justice Division of the Office of the Governor, to assist local governments in their efforts to address criminal justice issues in the South Plains region. The funding is a combination of federal and state monies that are pass-through grants for cities, local enforcement agencies, and counties. Most of the state funds come from a fee levied during court proceedings. All funding is allocated across the state to the planning regions by a formula based on population and local crime statistics.
SPAG's Regional Services Department provides staff support to the Regional Criminal Justice Advisory Committee (CJAC). CJAC is involved in the criminal justice planning process, and is composed of 17 members from throughout the region. They represent a cross-section of varied interests including local governments, private citizens, law enforcement, courts, juvenile justice, mental health, substance abuse, parents, concerned citizens, and education.
The CJAC reviews and ranks Criminal Justice Division Program grant proposals from the region and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors for formal approval. The proposals are then sent to the Criminal Justice Division (CJD) in Austin for a final funding decision.
Criminal Justice – Strategic Planning
In order to be eligible to apply for a grant --- the problem you propose to impact must be identified in the strategic plan of the area that you plan to serve. The Strategic Plan for the South Plains Association of Governments Region highlights the following focus areas:
Law Enforcement
Juvenile Justice
Victim’s Programs
The planning process is to form focus groups in each of the above-referenced Criminal Justice areas. These focus groups will review the current plan for that focus area; new or updated data for that focus area and create any updates. These focus groups will be comprised of both ‘experts’ and ‘unbiased opinions’ in each focus area.